


首發回歸! 杜麗莎勁歌熱舞唱阿黛爾金曲

  作為首發歌手中跨世紀的宗師級大魔王,杜麗莎的人氣堪稱爆炸性,雖曾失望告別舞臺,但杜奶奶回歸的呼聲卻是一浪高過一浪,這也讓杜麗莎對于本場突圍信心滿滿直言。在競演現場,杜麗莎身披黑、金搭配的戰袍大氣演唱《Rumour has it+Someone like you》,再現開口跪live,更為亮眼的是,年滿60歲的她還攜手四名90后萌妹同臺尬舞,突破性的表現引爆觀眾懇切。


Adele《Rumour has it》

She, she ain’t real,她,對你并非誠心She ain’t gonna be able to love you like I ill,她不會像我這樣愛你She is a stranger,她,就像一個陌生人You and I have history,我們曾經好過Or don’t you remember?莫非你忘了嗎Sure, she’s got it all,沒錯,她得到了你的一切But, baby, is that really hat you ant?但這真是寶貝你想要的嗎Bless your soul, you’ve got you’re hea老虎機 破解 方法d in the clouds,祝福你那心不在焉的魂魄You made a fool out of you,你愚弄了你自己And, boy, she’s bringing you don,男孩,她把你弄得如此低落She made your heart melt,她把你的心都融化了But you’re cold to the core,但你目前卻又如此冷漠角子老虎機玩法說明No rumour has it she ain’t got your love anymore,目前坊間盛傳你不再愛她了Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛She is half your age,她比你青年得多But I’m guessing that’s the reason that you strayed,我猜這便是你對她著迷的理由I heard you’ve been missing me,據說你一直對我無法忘懷You’ve been telling peo老虎機玩法ple things that you shouldn’t be,還到處亂說那些你不該說的Like hen e creep out and she ain’t around,就像我們至今還藕斷絲連Haven’t you heard the rumours?莫非你無知道坊間在盛傳這什麼Bless your soul, you’ve got your head in the clouds,祝福你那心不在焉的魂魄You made a fool out of me,你居然耍了我And, boy, you’re bringing me don,男孩你讓我極度遺憾You made my heart melt, yet I’m cold to the core,你認為你把我的心都叫融了,但實在我都冷到骨子里了But rumour has it I’m the one you’re leaving her for,目前坊間盛傳都說是我讓你離開她的Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛All of these ords 在線吃角子老虎機分享hispered in my ear,這些流言蜚語仍縈繞在我的耳際Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear,都是些我沒法承受的Just ’cause I sa it, it don’t mean I meant it,我那樣說并非心中所想People say crazy things,如今謠言四起Just ’cause I sa it, don’t mean I meant it,我那樣說并非心中所想Just ’cause you heard it,這是為了說給你聽的Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumo老虎機贏錢心得ur has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛Rumour has it, ooh,謠言在紛紛But rumour has it he’s the one I’m leaving you for目前坊間盛傳是他讓我離開你的