
  《新世界》(Ne Age)是由美國音樂制作人Daryl K作詞作曲,中內地地知名歌手吉克雋逸演唱的歌曲,作為現在華語音樂市場上為數不多的trap女聲,這首歌也是吉克雋逸自己的一個大膽突破。




  歌詞寓意特別,突破了吉克雋逸以往演唱歌曲的固有風格,反而鋪上了一層毀壞的姿色,而這種毀壞,不是率性撒嬌的小打小鬧,而是狂野霸道的 不破不立,旨在激勵青年人創造突破,抓緊自己的方法,擁有自己的生活,讓人不由自主的便被這獨具魅力的姿態給感染和鼓舞了。

  《新世界》(Ne Age)這首歌同樣將收錄在吉克雋逸第三張專輯《世界公民》(Global Citizen)當中,正如歌詞A gun like this中,gun象征一種自信的、自由的氣力,典型著她勇往直前、敢于打破陳規的精神,也典型跟著吉克試探腳步,一個全新的世界將顯現在大家眼前,一切都是極新的,包含有她自己。

  新世界 (Ne Age)

  歌手:吉克百家樂 預測公式雋逸

  作曲 Daryl K王韻韻Calvin C

  作詞 Daryl K王韻韻Calvin C

  編曲:Daryl K

  制作人:Daryl K

  Fire burn quicker than a fundraise kicker

  In the summertime rays I’m hotter than the eather

  I’m the boss chick ith the stare so killer that you freeze

  Hold your guns load em up time miller ah

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go百家樂 後台控制 off on em

  Wele to the ne age

  Hands to the sky a ne day

  Wele to the ne age

  Hands to the sky a ne day for a gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  Hands to the sky for a gun like this

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Wele to the ne age

  Hands to the sky a ne day for a gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  A gun like this

  Hands to the sky for a gun like this

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta

  Lighters in the sky take a hit so high

  Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta

  Lighters in the sky take a hit so high

  Wele to the ne age

  Hands to t百家樂機械手臂he sky a ne day

  Fire burn quicker than a fundraise kicker

  In the summertime rays推薦百家樂平台 I’m hotter than the eather

  I’m the boss chick ith the stare so killer that you freeze

  Hold your guns load em up time miller ah

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em

  Three to one blo a fuse go off on em

  To one blo a fuse go off on em
